Built with Love

You know when an architect loves designing,
you see it in their work.

Ever seen a building that makes you stop and stare,
makes you feel things a non-living thing shouldn’t? That’s because it’s alive.

That building was given birth by an architect
who poured every emotion they’ve ever felt into those drawings.
If you ever want to know an architect,
just look at their buildings.
An architect is nothing but their work personified.

If you ever question the existence of love,
watch an architect talk about their projects.
The spark in their eyes burns brighter
than a teenage girl talking about her first crush.
They’ll excitedly tell you every little detail
about the orientation, the material, the windows
, and don’t even get them started on the sustainability of their baby.

The client and the brief? Just an excuse.
An architect always finds a way
to make that building as much them as possible.

Architects are creators.

That explains their god complex.
But look at how beautiful the earth turned out, all because God loved us, right?

So when the right architect gets to play God,
it’s nothing short of magic,
a universe coming to life.


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