Town on Wheels
Town on Wheels Introduction : This entire post is based on the concept of "ROADTOWN" by Edgar Chambless. Study the image above for better understanding. Starting off very easy, Roadtown is an attempt to mix transportation with housing, simply put, apartment housing on top of underground train system that stretches linearly across the countryside. Chambless had proposed this in the 1900s and wow because it is very futuristic with respect to that period of time. Need: Our system includes three aspects - factories and farms that is the place of production, houses and cities that is the place of consumption, and lastly transportation that connects both these places. These are planned by different men and made with different mindsets and thus doesn't work so efficiently together. It is not an homogenous system made to fit with each other but different heterogenous systems made to work together. The author tries to make a picture of a society if the whole system was made by o...